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学部 学科 年度 教員名・講師名 コースタイトル
2011年度 Bill Mihalopoulos(Assistant Professor in the Global Leaders Program, Dong-A University, Busan. ) Prostitution, Emigration and Nation-Building 1870-1930.
2011年度 Dr. Eckhardt Fuchs(Professor of comparative and international education as well as history of education at the Technical University Braunschweig.) History Wars:Reconciliation through Textbooks?
2011年度 Dr. Stephanie Assmann(Akita University) Political Purpose and National Identity:Representations of the Food Education Campaign in Japan
2011年度 Sreejata Roy(an Mphil in media art from the Coventry School of Art and Design) Influences on Imageability
2011年度 Ochiai Kō (Shudo University, Hiroshima)ほか Intellectual Networks in Early Modern Japan” 
2011年度 Stephen Robert Nagy Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, Department of Japanese Studies The Chinese University of Hong Kong ) Transnational Migration and Asian Regional Integration:Examining the Migration Policies of Hong Kong and Tokyo
2011年度 Prof. Dr. Gabriele Diewald(ハノーファー大学 教授) Probleme und Kontext der Grammatikalisierungsforschung
2011年度 上智大学研究機構 研究機構Festival 第6回
2012年度 Gaye Rowley (Waseda University, Tokyo)ほか Networks in Early Modern Japan4
2012年度 David L. Howell Mammas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Samurai