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Global English and Cultural Understanding

学部/学科 文学部 英文学科
教員/講師名 リチャード・ピナー
開催年度 2013年度
開催日 2013年度

Global English and Cultural Understanding


Global English, sometimes called world Englishes, is an idea which tries to take the emphasis away from Native English speakers and give more power and flexibility to people who use English as their second language.
 According to the British Council, in the world today there are 375 million native English speakers and 750 million people who speak English as a second language. So, for every 3 people in the world who speak English, two of them will speak English as a second language.
 This means that the way we learn and teach English should reflect the fact that most people will use English in order to speak to people who are not native speakers. Therefore the idea of Global English is to have a more flexible approach to using the language and to give more power and ownership to second language learners.

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Richard Pinner is an Assistant Professor at the English Literature department. His specialist area is applied linguistics and his main interest is in authenticity and motivation.