収録映像 |
基調講演 |
パネル・ディスカッション |
第一部:基調講演 Keynote Address
講師: Christopher Kilmartin, Ph.D
Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, The University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA, USA.
“ Addressing Men in Sexual Assault and Harassment Prevention : Lessons Learned from Working with U.S. Universities and U.S. Military ”
第二部:パネル・ディスカッション Panel Discussion
パネリスト Panelists
Sexual Violence and Victimization: Perspectives
from the Counseling Field
信田 さよ子(原宿カウンセリングセンター所長)
Sayoko Nobuta, Director of Harajuku Counseling Center
Sexual Violence in Japan: Insights from Men’s Studies
and Perpetrator Counseling
中村 正(立命館大学人間科学研究科教授)
Tadashi Nakamura, Professor, Department of Human Science, Ritsumeikan University
Men as Caregivers: Are They Liberated from Masculine
Ideology That Drives Men to Violence?
平山 亮(東京都健康長寿医療センター研究所研究員)
Ryo Hirayama, Research Associate, Long-Term Care & End-of-Life Issues, Human Care Research Team,
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology
Initiatives on Sexual Violence Prevention on College Campuses in Japan
三浦 まり(上智大学法学部教授)
Mari Miura, Professor, Faculty of Law, Sophia University
“Speak Up, Sophia” (Sophia University student organization)